Water Bomb
You Will Need :
Square piece of paper
• This one minute water bomb starts life as a square piece of paper.
• Fold it in half, then unfold.
• Turn the paper onto its other side, fold in half again, then unfold.
• Now turn the paper over and fold corner to corner, in a diagonal. Then unfold.
• Turn the paper around, and again fold the other corners to each other, in a diagonal.
• Hold the triangular piece of paper at the bottom, and squeeze inwards gently.
• The top corners should move out and the side ones should move in.
• Time to neaten up into a diamond shape now.
• Fold in the two flaps on one side, turn over and repeat on the second side.
• Now fold the new corners into the middle. Look for the little pockets that appear when you do this. You'll need these in a moment!
• Find the two bottom corners and fold them so that the upper edges pass over the two pockets. Then tuck them inside the pockets.
• Do this on both sides.
• Finally, all you have to do is inflate your water bomb by blowing into the small hole at the bottom!
• Fill with water, and have fun. You can add poster paint to bring a bit of colour to any impact!
• One word of warning: don't throw your water bomb at people or animals and also don't throw them indoors: they make lots of mess.
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Water Bomb
Get Knotted
Get Knotted
You Will Need:
• modelling clay,
• pencil,
• scissors,
• thread,
• curtain hoop
• leather lace,
• coloured thread
Start by squishing the modelling clay down. Pop the pencil into the modelling clay, pointy side down.
Then take the leather lace, fold it in half and tie it onto the pencil at the half way point. Use an ordinary knot to do this.
Then tie another knot in the same way and pull it right down to the pencil.
Keep repeating the technique until you've knotted enough to go right round your wrist!
Once you're happy, take it off the pencil and tie it onto your arm. It can be quite tricky to do so you may need a friend to help
Use the loop left by the pencil to tie it on with a final knot.
Trim off the excess with a pair of scissors.
Alternatively, instead of leather lace you can use coloured thread, like this one.
And you can even use the technique to make a belt, too!
US Mail Box
US Mail Box
You Will Need:
carboard tube one the size of a roll of kitchen foil is just the right size,
disposable polystyrene cup,
green paper od card,
water bottle,
strong card,
kitchen foil,
hook and loop fastners,
cocktail stirrer
To make the mailbox itself you'll need a shoe box and a cardboard tube.
But start by making the stand. Get a disposable polystyrene cup and fill it with sand to weigh it down.
Pop the lid on, and wrap a big piece of sticky tape all the way around the rim, so that the lid is securely stuck on to the the cup.
Put another piece of tape across the top, covering the hole. Tip the cup upside down.
Next you need a cardboard tube. One from a roll of kitchen foil is just the right size. Paint it a wood brown colour.
Add on some wood detail with a black pen or marker for added effect
Now you need an empty water bottle.Take off the plastic top and push it inside one end of the cardboard tube
Push the other end of the cardboard tube -
The one without the plastic top embedded inside it -
Straight into the end of the polystyrene cup,
So that it pierces the polystyrene and stands upright, supported by the sand inside
Cut out a grass shape from a piece of green paper
Or card and curl the ends of the grass by running a ruler edge along them.
Wrap the grass around the base, so that the cup is neatly hidden.
Now for the mailbox itself. Start by painting the inside of the shoe box any colour that you fancy.
Using a sharp pencil and a ball of modelling clay, pierce a hole through the middle of the base of the shoebox.
Now take the body of the water bottle and paint it a bright colour.Squeeze the neck of the bottle through the hole you made in the base of the shoe box.
Now you can test the connection of the body of the mailbox to the stand by screwing the neck of the bottle in the box into the open end of the cardboard tube.
To make the roof of the mailbox, take a strong piece of card and cover it with kitchen foil, shiny side down.
To make the roof of the mailbox, take a strong piece of card and cover it with kitchen foil, shiny side down. Stick it in place like this - in an arc.
The front and the back are made by drawing around the body of the mailbox onto some cardboard box card, twice.
Cut the shapes out and cover them in more kitchen foil. Again, shiny side down will give you a realistic metal effect.Stick the back to the end of the shoebox.
At the front, make two slits down the seams of the shoebox, so that you create a hinged flap.
Stick the front onto the flap of the shoebox to create a door.
The door catch is made from two pieces of hook and loop fastener. Stick one onto a piece of card just on the inside roof of the mailbox.
Then stick the other to the back of the front of the mailbox. Now you can lock the door!
To show that you have mail, you need to make a flag. Do this by getting a cocktail stirrer. Pop it inside a bendy straw, attached to the side of the mailbox.
Add a square of foil covered card to keep the straw in place.
Make a handle for the front from more foil covered card, bent into shape so that there's a loop for your Finger Tips to pull the door open with.
Re-attach the mailbox to the base, and screw it in place.Finished!
If you like, you could make a British mailbox like this, it's an upright shoebox with a slot cut into it for posting cards through.
It's attached to the same type of stand used for making the US Mailbox and has a flap cut into the back so that you can retrieve your cards whenever you like!
Speed Bead
Speed Bead
You Will Need:
• Some stick glue
• A ruler
• A marker
• A piece of A4 card
• A knitting needle
First - use the ruler to draw a diagonal line from the bottom left corner of the card, as you can see opposite.
Then adjust the position of the ruler and draw a vertical line that joins up with the top point of the first line, and continues right down to the bottom edge.
Again, just like the one you can see opposite.
Carefully cut out the thin triangle shape with the scissors.
Now wrap the triangle of card around the knitting needle.
Try to keep it centred.
Add a little stick glue to the end of the wrapped card.
Bonfire Picture
Bonfire Picture
You will need:
Black Paper
PVA Glue
Paint Brush
Sticky Stars
Start by using fire coloured paints in squeezy bottles and squeeze them directly onto your black paper in wavy lines
Use the end of a paintbrush to weave a wobbly line through the paints to make them look more like fire
Leave to dry then Squeeze the PVA glue to make wavy lines on top of the flames and a blob at the base
The fun part! Add your glitter. Gold at the base for the fire and red and silver for the flames
Shake off the excess glitter and clean up after yourself
Glue the twigs to the bottom of your fire and some sticky stars around the fire
Cake Case Rosette
Cake Case Rosette
You will need:
A small coloured cake case
A large cake case
Two strips of tissue paper
A circle and a square of card
Glue stick
Get the coloured cake case and turn it inside out
Glue it inside the large cake case and stick it together
Take the circle of card and draw a winner’s cup, colour it in and glue it inside
the cake case rosette
Take two strips of tissue paper and snip a triangle at one end
Glue the two strips of tissue paper together
Put glue on the other end of the strip tissue paper and glue the cake case rosette
on top of the strip
Get your square card and make a flat by tearing almost down till the end
Glue the square and stick it to the bottom of the cake case rosette
Jazzy Pot
Jazzy Pot
You Will Need:
A plastic tray Lots of bits and pieces
like beads
small toys
Small plastic plant pot
Rolling Pin
Air-drying clay
Roll your air-drying clay into a flat sausage shape
Cover your plant pot in the air-drying clay, over lapping the top and bottom
Cover it with your bits and bobs so they all stick to the clay
Allow time for drying and then covering in PVA glue to keep all the bits in place
Mummified Picture
Mummified Picture
You will need:
Coffee Powder
Sheet of White Paper
PVA Glue
Coloured Wax Crayons
In a cup, mix half a teaspoon of coffee powder with two splashes of water
stir well, add some PVA glue and stir it again. You now have a glue and coffee mixture
Cut the bandages in to strips, and then place the strips across the sheet of paper until it is covered
Paint the glue and coffee mixture all over the bandages
When dry all of the bandages will be stuck together
Take a black crayon and draw the outline of your picture
For an ancient Egyptian scene you could draw a palm tree,
triangles for the pyramids,
the sun in the sky, and some grass around the tree
When you are happy with the outline of your picture
colour it in with the wax crayons to finish it off
Tissue Paper Printing
Tissue Paper Printing
You will need:
Coloured Tissue Paper
Piece of White Paper
Bowl of Water
Lay out some old paper down to catch the mess
Then screw up several sheets of coloured tissue paper into loose scrunches
Wet your paper using the sponge
Arrange your tissue paper scrunches on your wet paper.
Drizzle some more water on top using your sponge and you will start to see the colours run
Leave t o dry over night and when you remove the tissue paper in the morning you will see a wonderful pattern
Can be used as a card, wrapping paper or a great picture!
3D Christmas Card
3d christmas card
Red card
Green card
Felt tips pens
The green piece of card needs to be longer than it is wide.
Fold it in half - but don't make the crease! Mark the halfway point with a pen.
Unfold, and fold again - and make the crease this time - but go further over to the edge than the mark you made.
Use the picture opposite as a guide.
Fold this flap back on itself, as you can see here.
Now fold the other side on top of the folds you've just made.
Again, just like you can see here.
Then fold that flap back on itself.
Flip it over, and fold the whole thing in half.
Draw on a zig-zag pattern
Then carefully cut out!
Put some stick glue on both sides of the shape you've cut out from the green card.
Fold the red card in half and stick the green shape into the middle.
You've made a 3D Christmas tree card.
Clay Plaque
Clay Plaque
lunch box lid
bottle tops
Put the clay into the lunch box lid
Press a toy into the clay. Remove the toy
Using the pencil and bottle tops make other patterns in the clay
When the clay has dried firm remove it from the lunch box lid
Spray painting
Spray Painting
Plastic Sprayer
Take the tops off both your sprayers and fill with a half paint half water mixture
Put the lid on extra tight and give a good old shake
Put some old paper down first the put your new sheet of card on top
Now get spraying!
You can use as many different colours or sizes of paper
Ice cream game
The Ice Cream Game
You will need:
Tissue Paper
Sponge Ball
PVA Glue
Piece of wool
Make a half circle of brown card into a cone shape
Secure it with tape
Trim the edges of pink tissue paper and glue this to the top of the sponge balL
Srunch up a litle piece of red tissue paper for the cherry
Tape one end of the wool to the cone and the other to the sponge ball
Yogurt Puppet
Yogurt pot puppet
Old Yogurt Pot
Coloured Paper
First make a painty mixture, mix some PVA glue and some paint , paint your yogurt pot with this
Using a black pen draw a big nose and puppy freckles
Draw some doggy ears, eyes, teeth and a big tongue.
Cut these out carefully and stick to your yogurt pot.
Put your fingers in the top part and thumb in the bottom to make him talk.
Arrow through your head
Arrow through your head
2 thin strips of brown card
Grey card
Red card
Sticky tape
Get the red card
Draw two sloping rectangles that face each other to make the back of the arrow
Get the grey card and draw the shape of a triangle
Cut the shapes out
Get the two strips of cardboard
Stick the grey triangle on the end of one strip and the red rectangles to the end of the other strip
Use sticky tape to stick one cardboard strip to one side of the hairband and the other on the opposite side.
There you have it, fool your friends, and even get creative with designs, see what you can make!
Bubble pictures
Bubble Painting
Bright colour paints
PVA glue
Washing up liquid
Put on an apron or old clothes
Get a cup and put two squeegees of washing up liquid
Add one splodge of PVA glue and three drop of water
Add three drop of colour paint and give a stir with a straw
When that is all mixed do the same with other colours
Once you finish mixing use your straw to blow some bubbles
Take your white paper and gently lay it on top of the cup so that it makes a print
Do the same in another colour
Leave it to dry
Ageing pictures
Ageing pictures
Photograph of your face
Tracing paper
Carbon paper
White paper
1. Trace over your photograph onto some tracing paper
2. Transfer it onto some white paper using carbon paper
3. Now start to age your self
4. Draw wrinkly lines and frown lines on the forehead
5. Add lines under and next to the eyes
6. Draw more lines under the mouth and nose
Blowing Pictures
Blowing pictures
White paper
Runny in or paint
Pencil or pen
1. Dip the straw into the paint or ink.
2. Use It to make dots across the paper
3. Blow through the straw to make lines with the ink
4. It doesn’t need to be neat and perfect
5. Remember not to breath in through the straw
6. If your are careful you can blow a whole picture
7. Add details with pen or pencil
Today's Tip
Fathers Dad Card
The whole point of fathers day is that you and your wonderful dad can look after each other and spend quality time together.
Here is how I made my fathers day card:
- grab a coloured card any colour will do any size will do
- fold it in half
- open the card up
- on the left hand side make a small cut straight in the middle
- fold the card
- take the right side of the cut and fold do the same with left
- now the card will look like a shirt
- on another sheet of paper draw a tie
- cut the tie out make sure a adult helps
- stick the tie in between the two folded collar
- now decorate your card the way you want you can even print out pictures of you and your dad and stick it in your card