X-Ray Telescope
You Will Need:
• A sweet tube
• A round chip cone
• Some lolly pop sticks
• Some black and silver card or paint
• Take a sweet tube and carefully cut it, a third of the way down.
• Flatten out the small part and cut a semi circle out of either end.
• Put the two pieces of sweet tube together like this.
• The semi circles you cut into the smaller part will help it join.
• Paint the whole thing, or cover it in silver and black card.
• To make the stand, stick three sweet tubes around a chip cone in a tripod formation, and glue some lolly sticks on the tubes.
• aint it all however you like.
• Balance your telescope on top of the stand. You could add some film canister lids for extra effect.
• Now it's ready to use! Look through the telescope, placing your hand to the side of it.
• It will look as though there's a hole in your hand!