Filler Frame
You will need:
• frame,
• tiling grout,
• tile, paint,
• plastic knife,
• bead,
• marbles,
• mosaic,
• coin
• Scoop some grout onto a plate. You'll need as much as you think you'll need to cover the frame.
• It is possible to buy coloured grout in the shops but why not colour it yourself just by adding some acrylic paint? Give it a good mix.
• Now you can paste the mixture onto your frame. Do this with a plastic knife and don't worry if any goes onto the glass because you can just wipe it away with a damp cloth to leave a smooth edge.
• Keep going right the way around, until your frame is completely covered.
• Whilst the grout is still wet you can decorate the frame. Use anything you like - beads, marbles, mosaic tiles - it's entirely up to you.
• To finish, all you have to do is leave it to dry.
• For another idea, cover a frame with uncoloured grout and then paint it then sand over the top to get a cool, streaky effect!
• Or why not make a frame for your holiday photos by recycling your left over foreign coins?