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Gruesome Jars

Gruesome Jars

A glass jar with a hand on top of the lid
You can store your things in this Gruesome Jar!

What to do:

Step 1

Part 1
Gather together all the things that you need to make the Gruesome Jars.

Step 2

Part 2
Take your ball of air drying clay and using the rolling pin roll it out on to an old tray. Make sure you roll out enough clay to fit your whole hand on it. Place your hand on the clay and taking a pencil carefully draw around your hand, pushing the pencil firmly into the clay. You need to be careful when doing this so you may want to ask an adult to help. Make sure you draw a bit bigger than the size of your hand, so it looks even more monster like! You will now have cut out the shape of your hand in the clay, so very carefully peel away the rest of the clay around the hand shape.

Step 3

Part 3
Taking the plastic jar put the clay hand on top. Very carefully bend the fingers of the clay around the jar but make sure you can still unscrew the lid. It will look like the hand is hanging onto the jar. Now squash the fingers a little so they look a little more life-like. You can put some blobs of clay on to the hand and the bony parts of the fingers. Then squeeze the end of the fingers to create fingernails. Finally, leave the hand until it is nearly dry.

Step 4

Part 4
Now using the paint you can paint the hand, including the underneath. Then leave this to dry. When it is dry you need to stick your gruesome hand on top of the lid using the PVA glue. Then cover the whole hand in PVA glue as it makes it extra strong. When it is all dry you can then fill the jar with whatever you like!
This should take about 30 mins

You will need:

  • A plastic jar
  • Some coloured paint
  • A pencil
  • Some paint brushes
  • Some PVA glue
  • A rolling pin
  • An old tray
  • Some air drying clay (you can get this from an arts and crafts shop)
Remember to ask aGrown-up for help.

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