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Sliding Eyes

Sliding Eyes

A picture of a smiley face
Draw your own picture where the eyes move.

What to do:

Step 1

Part 1
Gather together all the things that you need to make the Sliding Eyes Picture.

Step 2

Part 2
Take the piece of thin card and draw a simple face, making sure you draw big eyes. Colour your picture in.

Step 3

Part 3
Using the ball of modelling clay put it underneath one of the eyes and then using the sharp pencil carefully push it through to make a hole. You can now carefully cut the eye hole out. Do this with the other eye hole also. Be careful when using scissors as they are sharp. Take a strip of white card and slide it behind the eyes. Make sure there is a little strip sticking out at the end. Now turn your picture over whilst holding everything together. Take two smaller strips and stick those either side of the long strip to hold it in place. Make sure that the long strip can still move from side to side. Turn the picture back over and draw some eyes onto the card. You could also draw other pictures like a queen with sliding eyes.
This should take about 30 mins

You will need:

  • A thin piece of white card
  • Some thin strips of white card
  • Some coloured pens
  • A pencil
  • Some scissors
  • Some sticky tape
  • A ball of modelling clay
Remember to ask aGrown-up for help.

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