Communication Lines
You Will Need:
• dry-wipe pen,
• lolly sticks,
• paint,
• paper fastener,
• bead,
• film cannister,
• lid,
• card,
• string,
• The telegraph poles are made by sticking two large lolly sticks together, with two smaller lolly sticks in a cross shape.
• Paint in a wood colour and then add a woodgrain effect by using a black permanent pen.
• The conductors are made from paper fasteners and beads. Just thread a bead onto a paper fastener.
• then sandwich in between the two smaller lolly sticks. Secure in place by opening out the paper fastener. Make four conductors in total for each telegraph pole.
• The bases of the poles are made by sticking a 35mm film canister to a crisp tube lid. Fill the film canister with modelling clay, and use green card to create a grassy effect.
• Stick each telegraph pole into the modelling clay, like this.
• Just thread string in between both telegraph poles and then hang up pictures of your friends.
• The pictures should be cut to the same size, and covered in clear sticky back plastic so that you can write you friend's details on with a dry wipe or non-permanent overhead projector pen.
• And that's how to keep your Finger Tips communication line buzzing!
step 1
step 3
step 4
step 5
step 6
step 7