Flower Pot Cookery
You Will Need:
• terracotta flower pot
• 175g butter
• 175g caster sugar
• 225g flour
• 1 teaspoon baking powder
• 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
• 3 eggs
• 2 tablespoons milk
• cocoa powder
• sweets
• First of all you need to make the cake, so here's the recipe to follow. It will produce enough mix to fill a 15cm flower pot:
• Add the sugar and butter to a mixing bowl and cream the two together as smoothly as you can.
• Add the 225g flour, teaspoon of baking powder and the big tablespoon of cocoa powder. The cocoa powder will give a soil-like colour to the cake mix!
• Then add three eggs and the two tablespoons of milk. Once everything's in the mixing bowl, get stirring!
• When the mix has become a nice chocolate colour, it's ready! Make sure your flowerpot is clean, then grease it well, and put loads of flour on the inside.
• Most flower pots have a hole in the bottom. You'll need to cover this up to stop the mixture escaping! A small piece of foil will do the trick!
• Carefully add the mixture to the flower pot. When done, it's time to put it in the oven. Get someone to help you with this. It needs to go in on 170 degrees or gas mark 3 for about 90 minutes.
• While the cake is cooking you could be making some of the flower decorations for it. You'll need some lollies, some jelly sweets, writing icing and some fondant sweets!
• Take a lolly and put a ring of writing icing around the edge. Diamond shaped jelly sweets stuck onto the icing make great petals!
• Turn the lolly over and add some blobs of icing in the shape of two eyes and a mouth. Stick some fondant sweets onto the blobs to make a happy face!
• Because you've made a flower pot cake, why not make some garden creatures out of icing or marzipan? How about these snails, worms, spiders and slugs!
• When the cake has cooked and cooled, turn it upside down. If you greased it enough it should come out quite easily!
• Now you need to make an edible flower pot - one that you can wrap around your cake. Make this from marzipan, but before you prepare it, dab jam around the edges of the cake to help it stick.
• Wrap the marzipan around the cake and base. Cut off any excess to leave a nice flat top. Add another thin strip of marzipan around the top. This will look like a rim and add to the realistic look of your flower pot cake. Add your flowers to complete your flower pot cake!
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Flower Pot Cookery