Bath Bombs
You Will Need:
• Cornflour
• Citric acid
• Baking powder
• Almond or coconut oil
• Essential oil
• Food colouring
• Ping pong ball
• You can buy all the ingredients you need for Bath Bombs from the chemist and supermarket.
• Sieve two tablespoons of cornflour, two tablespoons of citric acid and 60g of baking powder into a bowl.
• In another bowl, put three tablespoons of oil - almond or coconut oil works best - a few drops of your favourite essential oil to give it a nice smell and a few drops of food colouring.
• Mix all these ingredients together.
• Add the liquid to the sieved ingredients, and give it a quick mix with a spoon.
• Then put your finger tips in and get mixing - until it turns into a crumbly mixture.
• To make the bath bomb mould, a ping pong ball cut in half works brilliantly.
• To cut the ping pong ball in half - rest it in some modelling clay and make a hole in it with a sharp pencil.
• Use some scissors to cut around the middle.
• Fill both halves of the ping pong ball with the mixture.
• Then squeeze the two halves together and neaten it off round the middle.
• Carefully take off both halves of the ping pong ball and you should have a perfect bath bomb.
• Keep going until you've used all the mixture - it will make 3 or 4 bath bombs.
• Why not give it a go and brighten up your bath time!
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