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Splat Ball

Splat Ball

Splat Ball
Make a messy picture.

What to do:

Step 1

Part 1
You need to make sure you are wearing old clothes or an apron and you may want to do this make outside. Gather together all the things that you need to make the Splat Ball. Then place a piece of paper on the floor.

Step 2

Part 2
Now you need to make the painty mixture. Take the bowl and fill it with half paint and half water. Now give it a mix so it's nice and runny.

Step 3

Part 3
Take the tennis ball and put it into the bowl. Let the ball soak up all the painty mixture by rolling it around. Now for the messy bit - take the tennis ball out of the bowl and bounce it on the paper. You can even make a bigger picture by using a larger piece of paper and more tennis balls with different coloured paint.
This should take about 5 mins

You will need:

  • Tennis balls
  • Some paint and water
  • A bowl
  • Some paper
  • Outside space
  • Old clothes or an apron
Remember to ask aGrown-up for help.

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