What to do:
Step 1
Gather together all the things that you need to make your own Wobbly Egg. Take the plastic egg and open it so it is in two halves. Now put a ball of modelling clay into the bottom half of the egg and squish it down. Now put the top of the egg back on the bottom half and it should now wobble.
Step 2
Now cover the whole egg in gloopy glue and stick a layer of ripped up tissue paper to it. Then leave it to dry.
Step 3
You can now decorate the egg however you like. Once you have decorated it leave it to dry.
Step 4
Now glue the googly eyes on to the egg. Also add extra detail like a mouth.
Step 5
Try making different Wobbly Eggs.
This should take about 5 mins
You will need:
- Tissue paper
- A black felt tip pen
- Some coloured paint
- A ball of modelling clay
- A pencil
- Some gloopy PVA glue
- Some googly eyes (you can get this from an arts and crafts shop)
- A plastic egg (you can get this from a toy shop or supermarket)
Remember to ask aGrown-up for help.