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Pencil Pencil Case .

Pencil Pencil Case

A pencil made from card
Make a case for your pens and pencils.

What to do:

Step 1

Part 1
Gather together all the things that you need to make the Pencil Pencil Case.

Step 2

Part 2
Draw a circle on the white piece of paper that's slightly bigger than the cardboard tube. You could draw around a small plastic bowl so you get a perfect circle. Then cut the circle out but be careful as scissors are sharp. Next make a snip in the circle up towards the centre. This will help you curl the circle into a cone shape. To hold the cone in position use a little sticky tape. This is a bit fiddly so you may need to ask an adult to help. Using some sticky tape you need to stick the cone on to the end of the cardboard tube.

Step 3

Part 3
Next paint the pencil shape with a layer of gloopy mixture, then cover with tissue paper and leave to dry. (To make the gloopy mixture mix half gloopy glue and half water.) When it's dry you need to paint the tube. You can choose any colour you like. When the paint is dry, using the black pen you can add detail. Add a point at the end, some lines and then rivets to look like they're holding the rubber in place.

Step 4

Part 4
You now need to stop all of the pens and pencils from falling out. So take the pink sponge and draw a circle on it, then cut it out but be careful as scissors are sharp. Now pop all of your pens and pencils in the case and close with the sponge circle.
This should take about 30 mins

You will need:

  • A cardboard tube
  • Some paint
  • Tissue paper
  • Gloopy PVA glue
  • White paper
  • Sticky tape
  • A pink sponge
  • A black pen
Remember to ask aGrown-up for help.

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