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Bubble Bags

Bubble Bags

A patterned bag containing pens and pencils
Make your very own bag out of an envelope.

What to do:

Step 1

Part 1
Gather together all the things that you need to make your own Bubble Bag. Take the bubble envelope and very carefully with some scissors trim off the top end. But be careful as scissors are sharp. With the hole punch make holes at the open end of the envelope.

Step 2

Part 2
Then with the shoe lace feed it through the holes and tie a knot on the other end.

Step 3

Part 3
Now it's time to decorate the envelope. To do this put glue on the envelope, then stick the felt shapes to it.

Step 4

Part 4
You can make different types of Bubble Bags.
This should take about 15 mins

You will need:

  • A pair of scissors
  • A glue stick
  • Some circles of felt
  • A long shoe lace
  • A large rectangle of felt
  • A hole punch
  • A bubble envelope
Remember to ask aGrown-up for help.

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