What to do:
Step 1
Gather together all the things that you need to make your own Gargoyle. Start by making the mouth. To do this take a sheet of newspaper and roll it up. Then give it a little twist and stick it together with sticky tape. Now bend it around into a loop shape and stick this together with more tape. Finally, squeeze it into a mouth shape.
Step 2
Take the paper plate and turn it upside down. This will be the face. Place the mouth on to the plate and stick it into position. To make the nose take another sheet of newspaper and scrunch it up into a pear shape. Tape it together and then stick it in the middle of the face.
Step 3
Now roll up two small balls of newspaper for nostrils and then tape them either side of the nose. For the eyes use half a sheet of newspaper to make thinner twists, roll it up. Use some sticky tape to hold it in position, now loop it round. You can always tear off a bit of the loop to make your eyes smaller and then stick it together. Then stick them to the plate. For the pupil in the middle scrunch up a ball from a smaller piece of newspaper and stick in the middle of the eye shape, do the same on the other side.
Step 4
Add some extra detail by cutting out some cardboard squares for gargoyle teeth and some cardboard triangles for ears. Be careful though because scissors are sharp. This can be a bit fiddly so you may want to ask an adult to help. Then stick them on to the face. This bit can get messy so put your gargoyle on an old tray. Now cover the whole thing in a layer of gloopy glue. Before the glue has dried sprinkle some play sand all over it. Then shake off the extra sand and leave it to dry. Now you can paint the gargoyle a nice stony grey colour, add some white highlights and use black paint for the darker details.
Step 5
Try making another Gargoyle.
This should take about 45 mins
You will need:
- A paper plate
- An old newspaper
- An old tray
- Some scraps of cardboard
- PVA glue
- Sticky tape
- Some paint
- Play sand (you can get this from a toy shop)
Remember to ask aGrown-up for help.