What to do:
Step 1
Gather together all the things that you need to make the Space Skittles.
Step 2
Take your clean plastic bottle (you may want to ask an adult to make sure it is clean) and cover it in PVA glue. Then cover it in bits of ripped up tissue paper. Now leave it to dry.
Step 3
You now need to paint the bottle. Remember that the lid will be the spaceman's head and the rest of the bottle will be the space suit. Paint it whatever colour you like. Leave it to dry.
Step 4
Take the googly eyes and stick them on. Now using the black pen draw on the spaceman's face, uniform, boots and his backpack.
Step 5
Now put the plastic washing up ball on top of your spaceman for a perfect fitting space helmet. You now have one skittle. You can make as many as you like but you need to make at least three.
Step 6
To make the ball take some newspaper and scrunch it into a big ball shape. Then tape it together with masking tape. Now you need to paint it with a rock coloured paint. Whilst the paint is still wet sprinkle some glitter over it. (You may want to use a tray or some old newspaper when sprinkling the glitter.) You can make as many Space Skittles as you like but you need at least three to start with!
This should take about 60 mins
You will need:
- 3 or more clean plastic bottles with lids
- Plastic washing balls
- Some paint
- Tissue paper
- Some masking tape
- Some PVA glue
- Some pens
- Some glitter
- Some newspaper
- Googly eyes (you can get these from an arts and crafts shop)
Remember to ask aGrown-up for help.