What to do:
Step 1
Gather together all the things that you need to make the Shell Grotto.
Step 2
Take your clay and push it onto a paper plate. Now take the shells and push them firmly into the clay. You could start with placing the largest shell in the middle at the back of the clay. Although you can arrange the shells however you like. Once you have placed all the shells leave the clay to dry.
Step 3
To paint your Shell Grotto you need a painty mixture that's half paint and half gloopy glue. Don't forget to mix it well. Once the clay has dried use the painty mixture to paint the Shell Grotto. You can add a few highlights with a shiny coloured paint. Silver paint works really well for this. Paint this on.
Step 4
Whilst the paint is still wet sprinkle glitter over it. (You may want to put the Shell Grotto onto a tray or some old newspaper, as sprinkling glitter can be messy!) Shake off any excess glitter from the Shell Grotto.
Step 5
For the windows use a black pen to draw square shapes on the shells. Then fill these in with yellow paint. When you have finished you could make another, in any colour you like.
This should take about 30 mins
You will need:
- Some paint
- A paper plate
- Some PVA glue
- Some glitter
- A variety of shells
- A black pen
- Some air drying clay (you can get this from an arts and crafts shop)
- Some old newspaper / a tray
Remember to ask aGrown-up for help.