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Wobbly Pictures

Wobbly Pictures

Bird, clouds and sun on pipe cleaners
Make some wibbly wobbly pictures using pipe cleaners.

What to do:

Step 1

Part 1
Gather together all the things that you need to make the Wobbly Pictures. Take a piece of coloured card and draw a picture on it, this can be anything you like that will then wobble. As an example you could draw a bird. You then need to draw a couple more pictures on some different coloured card that will also wobble. For example, if you have drawn a bird you may then like to draw a cloud and a sunshine. When you've drawn all of your pictures you then need to cut them out. But be careful, scissors are sharp.

Step 2

Part 2
Next take some pipe cleaners that match the colour of the card you used for your pictures. Turn your pictures over and stick the pipe cleaners to the back of them using sticky tape.

Step 3

Part 3
Take a ball of air drying clay and wedge it into the plastic plant pot.

Step 4

Part 4
Now arrange your wobbly pictures in the pot. It's good to arrange the pictures so that the ones nearer the front are slightly shorter. Therefore carefully snip the end of the pipe cleaner off the picture you want at the front of the pot. But be careful as scissors are sharp.

Step 5

Part 5
Once you have stuck the pipe cleaners into the pot you can bend them slightly so you can see all of the pictures. You can make all sorts of Wobbly Pictures.
15 minutesThis should take about 15 mins

You will need:

  • A plastic plant pot
  • Some pipe cleaners
  • Coloured card
  • A felt tip pen
  • A pair of scissors
  • Some sticky tape
  • Some air drying clay (you can get this from an arts and crafts shop)
Remember to ask aGrown-up for help.

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